Jan 28, 2015

This And That

Just a little of this and a little of that to share with you today.

Yesterday morning I was walking down the hall and from inside the bedroom I hear, " Oh crap, something is not right here!" 
So I step inside to see what was wrong and this is what I saw.

I had to hold back my laughter. So I said, What happened honey? Honey said, "well what does it looked like happened"? I had my phone in my hand so I snapped a picture. And then I said turn around, and I snapped this one!

Honey said, "what are you doing? You are not going to put this on that blog of yours are you? I just grinned a bit, since he couldn't see me anyway. Then I helped him get it turned around and gave him a big kiss!

I had not had my nails done since the monday before Christmas (Dec. 22nd) so I felt it was time. And with February being Valentines Day it is a good excuse to wear pink before spring gets here. So I went with this.

It never reached over 30* today. But at least we have sunshine. 
How about you?

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