Feb 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

I just wanted to spend a few minutes sharing something as a reminder to all of you how much you are loved. Or how much you do love. We start our lives off as little children surrounded and cherished by our parents. They loved us unconditionally and would do anything for us. And we in turn started to learn what love feels like, both the giving and the receiving parts.

As we grow and mature as children we start friendships and learn how to love our friends. Sometime in our teen years we all have had that "puppy love" moment. At the time we all believe it is the deepest feeling in the world. But that usually passes. 

And before we know it and when we least expect it, the real thing comes along. And we fall in love. Head over heels in love. Its a different kind of love that we have ever experienced before. If you have that someone in your life than you know what I am talking about. Then married life brings children and the truly amazing part is that the love you feel for these children is yet a new feeling, one that you have never had before. It is so strong and steadfast that you would not think twice to cut of your arm if it meant saving your child. And then down the road the grandchildren come. I was present for the birth of my first grand and it was amazing. From the first moment I saw his head I was in love. 

And if all of that is not enough love for you then think about the Agape Love of the father. A love unlike no other. Not a sappy, sweet kind of love. But in 1st John 4:8 we see that God is love. He does not merely love, but he is love itself. He made the ultimate sacrifice, he sent his son to to pay the price for us. 

******For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. 
John 3:16


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