Nov 11, 2010

Thank You

Today is Veteran's day. And we all need to stop and thank all the Veterans who have ever served this country. They have all played a part in seeing that we can live in the greatest country in the world. That we can be safe and that we can be free. That our children and grandchildren can walk the street and not be afraid.

My husband is a Vietnam Veteran who proudly signed and served right after graduating High School. Thank you honey.

My dad served in Germany during the occupation. Thank you Dad.

My father-in-law was in the Navy. Thank you Pap.

My son is presently serving in the USAF. Thank you Son.

Thank you seems so little to say. But I guess I am not good enough with words to figure out more. My heart is so proud of all of you.

And thanks to all the veteran's in the families of those who follow my blog.

And may God Bless all of you and keep you safe.


  1. I honor our veterans, too. is celebrating Veterans Day by letting you search military records for free until Nov 14th.
    It's neat to find records of your ancestors.

  2. I share your sentiments, Kim. Thank you.

  3. Thanks to all the Veterans - your sacrifice is appreciated!


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