Sep 2, 2010

Starting out each day....

I try and start out each day with a few minutes of quiet time. Time for just me and Lord to be quiet and listen to each other. I know he always listens to me but I have to admit that sometimes I have to remind myself to listen to him.

Spending time reading and letting him reveal things to me is the best way for me to get my day off to a good start. Some mornings I have more time than others. But I always have some time and I give it to him.

How do you start your day? What gives you that little boost in the mornings? You know that (act) that sets the pace for the rest of the day?


  1. I start out each morning by going outdoors. I have chores to do, of course, but I also do this just to commune with nature. Most mornings I take the time to stop and feel the weather. If it is pouring rain, I don't so much. Some deep breaths of fresh morning air and a thought of gratitude generally gets me going.

  2. I love the outdoors as well Roxie and that is a wonderful way to clear the cobwebs and get the morning start off. Thank you for sharing.


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