As I stop and look around my world (in my yard)!! I see many signs of fall. I can't say the weather, because today is to be a high of 80+ degrees. But that too will change soon I am sure. A gentle breeze is moving the fallen leaves a round a bit. And the smells of autumn are everywhere.
I love the colors of the dogwoods at this time of the year.
And even more vibrant are the reds of the burning bush. And I must say the birds like the berries on each one of them.
Even Lil' Bit love lounging in the sun on the last of these fall days. He gets so sleepy as he gets warm that his eyes will close even with him sitting up and he will start to sway left and right.
And of coarse fall gives me the chance to display my flag on my mailbox post. The leaves on the ground need to be raked up but I like hearing them rustle as the breeze blows them around. What are your favorite parts of fall?